Forest management plans


Responsible forest management is best achieved by adhering to technical criteria that generate economic benefits through the conservation of forest resources. At GEA we create forest management plans that guarantee beneficial and sustainable rural development. In the last 10 years we developed 30 forest management plans, in more than 60.000 hectares and 5 regions of Spain.

The Instruments for Sustainable Forest Management (Organization Projects, Technical Management Plans, Reforestation Plans, etc.) serve as forestry planning tools to guarantee proper forest management. These instruments are documents applicable to forest land that guarantee SFM, provide valuable information about proprietors, and lay out management plans to be implemented in the area over the following years.

This type of work has evolved over the last few years with the emergence of new technologies in the forestry sector. At GEA Forestal we believe these latest technologies will more accurately analyze the characteristics of a forest zone, thereby allowing us to develop a more beneficial plan for its forestry practices. Of these new technologies, the following stand out:

  • LiDAR: a device that allows you to determine the distance from a laser emitter to an object or surface using a pulsing laser beam. For the forestry sector, analyzing the LiDar dot cloud tells us variables such as the tree and brush coverage, the maximum vegetation heights, the presence of brush or regrowth, and the existence or not of permanent vertical or horizontal combustibles. Additionally, this information, with the adjustment of statistical models, can be related to the main variables of a forest area, such as the number of trees, the basal area, the volume of wood, the mean quadratic diameter, the dominant height, and the biomass of the foliage or branches.
  • Hypsometer Vertex: an instrument equipped with a laser and ultrasound that generates precise measurements of height, angle, and distance in the forest. These hypsometers can also be used with very dense vegetation and brush to obtain precise readings. Unlike measuring tape and laser instruments, ultrasound technology works even when the reference point is obscured by branches and leaves. The high-quality inclination sensor and the distance measuring technologies with ultrasound offer accurate height readings in any type of forest and terrain.
  • Digital information collection: New electronic devices, such as tablets or smartphones, accelerate information collection in the forest and organize it much more effectively. Through applications specially adapted to collect the data, we have eliminated outdated paper inventory and can complete tasks more efficiently.
Ordenación de montes
Adquisición imagen LiDAR
Ordneación de montes
Hipsometro VERTEX
Ordenación de montes
Tablet ruguerizada


We are experts in the forestry field with almost 35,000 regulated hectares in Spain. We offer management plans for public organizations as well as private associations and owners. A list of our works can be download here.

Title: Forest management Plan for MUPS 139 and 140..

Municipality: Estables and Fuentelsaz

Province: Guadalajara

Number of hectares: 855

Year: 2022


Title: Forest management Plan for MUPs 118, 121 and 372.

Municipality: Albalate del Arzobispo and Ariño.

Province: Teruel

Number of hectares: 7.735

Year: 2021

Title: Forest management Plan for municipality properties.

Municipality: Campillo de Ranas, Esplegares, Sotodosos, Saelices de la Sal, Tierzo and Tordellego

Province: Guadalajara

Number of hectares: 8.793

Year: 2020

Title: Forest management Plan for private properties.

Municipality: Belvis de la Jara, Calzada de oropesa, Talavera de la Reina, Calera y Chozas and others.

Province: Toledo

Number of hectares: 3.348

Year: 2020

Title: Forest management Plan for private land owners

Municipality: Algora

Province: Guadalajara

Number of hectares:789

Year: 2019

Title: Forest management Plan for MUP nº 181 “El Pinar” Forest

Municipality: Manzanera

Province: Teruel

Number of hectares: 12,097

Year: 2018

Plan de gestión forestal

Title: Reforestation Plan for the forests nº 284 “Loma Pelada y otros” and nº 299 “El Pinar”

Municipality: Mazarete

Province: Guadalajara

Number of hectares: 897

Year: 2018

Title: Forest management Plan for MUP 298

Municipality: Ablanque

Province: Guadalajara

Number of hectares: 940

Year: 2016

Title: Forest management Plan for the forests in Canredondo

Municipality: Canredondo

Province: Guadalajara

Number of hectares: 4,125

Year: 2015